Thursday, 10 March 2011

She's a right stick in the mud

I was contemplating writing a post last night but i decided against it, what happened yesterday as quite traumatic and i guess not so much to do with the farm, not in the way that i intend this blog to go anyway. I will instead write about today. I got up at half 7 after approx 2 hours sleep and got ready or breakfast, all the interns have breakfast together at half in the cafe. I didn't really have an appetite but tried to eat something as i knew it was going to be an intensive day then. Then after signing my paperwork with the HR lady and watching a ridiculous food hygiene video i went to meet Luke, one of the interns who is experienced with livestock. We loaded up a trailer with pig feed and rode around the farm going to all the different fields where there were pigs, about 15 in all. It was quite scary for me as the pigs were hungry and excitable and as soon as they knew you had food they were noisy and chased us. At one point my welly and i got stuck in some mud and two huge sows began to jump at me and i dropped the food which only made them more excitable, i had to call out to Luke so he could come and yank me out of the mud. I was a bit flustered but carried on as i didn't want him to think i was a wimp, though i was shaking in my boots!
Luke asked if i wanted to have a go driving the trailer up a field so i gave it a go, it was hard to change gears as you have to apply a lot of force but it was reasonably simple after that, and a more comfortable seat than riding on the bit at the back! After my morning of feeding pigs i got changed and washed and helped out in the cafe after lunch, it was quite quiet so i went into the kitchen and helped glaze a ham and peel a crate of artichokes and then helped to cook the interns' dinner which was mainly veggies that were not good enough for the veg boxes and we made apple crumble for dessert with rotting apples, yum!
Im finding it all quite overwhelming and not very settled as i don't yet have a bed to sleep in but im trying to give it my best shot and wait and see a bit longer before i decide how long i will be here, it might be a relatively short lived blog! stay tuned x

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