Im entering my last week here at the farm. Im looking forward to leaving but also sad, there are a lot of things i will miss. I think i will miss the other interns the most as its such an intense experience and i am with the same group for so much of my time it will be strange to go from that to not seeing them at all, and its not as if i get sick of being with everyone all the time i absolutely love the group. I will also miss the evenings when the public have left and we have had dinner and things are calming down, the sun is setting and the animals are chatting away, its a very peaceful time.
However i am looking forward to sleeping in a better bed and having a bit more choice about what i eat and at what time and perhaps not working quite so hard and not having to deal with farm politics. I think this is the right time to leave.
Its my last day in the kitchen tomorrow which im happy about as i don't like being in there on a sunday as it can get manic especially when the weather is nice and we seem to run out of everything. I don't think my skills lie in cooking to order as i like to plan things but i seem to be doing ok and the head chef offered me a job for the summer, i turned it down though as i really don't want to be stuck in the hot kitchen all summer.
I had a livestock day today so ive been in a good mood even though me and the woman i was doing it with were really tired and hungover as we had been out in stevenage last night ( i hadn't had a proper night out whilst staying here so a few of us decided it was time to leave the farm and had a night out joining various royal wedding revellers n.b stevenage is not the place for night out unless you are desperate). I think being outside was probably best for both of us. I decided im not allowed to think about tagging pigs anymore as every time i do and i think to myself im pleased i don't have to do that again i end up having to do it that very same day! and so today was pig tagging day, i was for once the one who got into the pen to catch the piglets which was easier than expected as you just have to grab a leg, much easier than getting the bigger ones. We also moved a lot of pigs as there has been some new pens erected so that the pigs can graze on grass and the old pens will be seeded, there seem to be an awful lot of pigs and we have a lot of pork that we don't sell, i think there are too many and it doesn't seem to be bringing in much income as it costs so much to feed them. Not sure if management will listen though if we pitch to them the idea of reducing the number of pigs.
I will try and write more in the week, cheers, K
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